In 1932 the Florida feed industry was expanding rapidly. Several of its members recognized the time had arrived to meet and discuss organizing an association, whose purpose would be to protect and promote the industry. The result of those meetings was the foundation of the Florida Agricultural Feed & Supply Dealers Association. It was stipulated that the life of this corporation would be limited to 20 years from the date of its incorporation. When this 20 years had passed, the organization actively continued under its new name - The Florida Feed Dealers Association. In 1961 to keep pace with the changing times, our Association again reorganized, applied for and received a new charter and became The Florida Feed Association, Inc. - the name it currently maintains.

Throughout its entire history, our Association's continuing cooperation with the Department of Agriculture has permitted the Association to be of great value to the feed industry by assisting the Department to develop and write important laws. These laws have proven to be fair to the industry, while providing the utmost protection to the consumers of its products. Additionally, at times of industry emergencies, experienced as a result of natural disasters and man-made decisions, the Association has acted to encourage the conservation and fair distribution of feed-stuffs in the best interests of the consumer. Most importantly, our Association through its various activities has strived to promote, encourage and maintain goodwill among its members to facilitate healthy and fair competition in the industry.

Today, our Association continues to represent the Industry with the State of Florida, and the users of its products. The association provides a forum for its members in their efforts to be a sound, efficient force in Florida Agribusiness.  We also donate to organizations that benefit our industry, with a special emphasis on youth interested in being a part of our industry's future.

In closing, it should be remembered that the foresight of that group of men who met back in 1932 has been proven time and time again in the many accomplishments of our Association. Our annual directory and this site are dedicated to those men, who had to overcome the usual resistance to the new idea of organizing and energizing an Association, which they hoped would prevail and serve for generations. Proudly, it has. 

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